Malting Barley

We are a proud member of Malting Seed Producers (MSP) and our own Tom Ramsey has been selected as the Executive Director of the group. We have been working with Ohio Craft Malt Haus with the goal of bringing Malting Barley production back to Ohio. With recent booms in Craft Breweries the demand for unique and local products has increased. Currently nearly all of the Barley used for brewing in the state of Ohio comes from other states or even Europe. Our goal is to supply Ohio breweries with Barley grown in Ohio!

From an agronomic perspective growing Barley is similar to Wheat. The big distinction comes when you are growing Barley for Malting compared to use as feed. It requires attention to detail and careful planning throughout the growing season to ensure a high quality product. We have had success and learned some lessons in our first few years, and we look to build on that as we move towards expanding production across the state of Ohio. This article from Ohio Country Journal gives a good background of what we are trying to accomplish.

We are currently looking for growers in Ohio that are interested in learning about growing Barley for Malting purposes. We believe our biggest hurdle to success will be the education of all future Barley Producers. If you are interested in learning more about growing Malting Barley please contact us:

Tom Ramsey 740-253-1551

Greg Ramsey 740-253-2876

2311 Mile Tree Road Clarksburg, Ohio 43115

Phone & Fax: 740-993-2311


Visit us on Facebook!

You can also view the new guide from OSU Extension on Management of Ohio Winter Barley HERE. A guide for spring management practices will be released by the university soon.

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